Here is my little offering of gratitude. Please be sure to sit on a towel, I don't want to be responsible for soiled chairs that are ruined due to the following.
In the words of the man that started this, I fucking love you guys!
(Edited due to Ella's comment) Everyone, I'd like you to meet Josh!

probably not the best picture to use since your last post involved shitty fingers.. yeah, thats the first thing i thought of. yes, something is wrong with me.
Hahahahahahaha! I never even thought of that! Read the entry now, Ella! ;)
OMG.... I'll take 2 please :)
OH, the dirty thoughts! But, Im married!, *snif *snif..
*gulp* Oh I don't know which I want more... the chocolate or the man!! Hell, give me both and some extra chocolate syrup *drool*
Definatly yummy.
Appyfreak, I too am married but as I tell the hubby...
I'm married, not dead.
Pleased to meet Josh. VERY pleased to meet him in fact.
Keep up the good work Mary!
Hahahaha. Nice. Way to avoid awkwardness. And HELLOOO Josh! Stick to chocolate.
wow! he definitly fits in with some other men we have had the pleasure of viewing lately....
I'd hit it. With a frying pan. Boo-ya! Love ya!
Can I video tape it, Weas???????
Weasy you fucking crack me up!
Which would you go for first- the head on top of his shoulders or the other white meat???
Inquiring minds want to know...
Did you say, "meet Josh" or "eat Josh?" 'Cause I would eat that up... YUM!
I'm happily married. I'm happily married. I'm happily married. I'm happily married. I'm happily married. I'm happily married. I'm happily married. I'm happily married. I'm happily married. I'm happily married. I'm happily married. I'm happily married. I'm happily married. I'm happily married.
Shut up already... We all know you are married- not dead! LOL!
Gobble, gobble, snarf, yummmmmmmmmm. *sounds of nip/tuck eating up Josh*
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