and horny enough to suck your cock son (18+) good looking women looking for sons to drop by in there sweatpants or shorts, just take there cock and balls out, and let mom milk the cream from there cock. Friends of my son any race also welcome for some oral service. A big load is a terrible thing to waste. pic 4 pic, Brenda
In one short ad, this Brenda has ruined everything the rest of us uterus card holding members have worked so hard for. Brenda is the female equivalent to the 89 year old pervert that stands just outside of the bus stop shelter flashing his freeze-dried resemblance of a wanker to people seeking shelter from a downpour. Even though they’re being pelted with Volkswagen sized hail, risking being electrocuted like an ill-fortuned forest hiker that got clothes lined by an electric fence, and possibly catching a cold that will make them pray for death, they will run away. Far away.
The only difference is our friend Brenda is sitting out by her mailbox in a flowered house coat and foaming at the mouth while the local Varsity football team jogs by. You can pick her out easily. She’ll be the one dry humping and licking the mailbox post like a newly pound-released St. Bernard after the old in-heat Beagle bitch with 13 whelps under her belt, then cursing because she got slivers on her tongue. Oddly enough, the football team has developed a detour training route. Now they don’t get origins-unknown slime flung at them while Brenda pounds on her chest and makes a noise awfully similar to that of a Black Spider Monkey that just found a new piece of ass.
The only creaming that should come to you involves you repeated thwacking your skull inside of the refrigerator door. Thirty nice hard pulls should do the trick. If you need help, call me. By the way, if your son isn’t talking to you anymore, it’s because every time he has friends over, they complain that they have to go shopping afterward. You keep ripping their clothes off. They’d stop you, but your growling and spinning head tends to freak them out a bit.
Brenda has shook me to my very core. Thanks to her though, I've lost 6 pounds since this came into my email box. I miss food. Bitch.
Gross. I feel bad for her son. What is wrong with this woman??!
Oh no! Mary hates me! *gasp*
I swear when I read this add I felt like trowing up. Thank you for posting the photo to help with stomaching this vulgar.. thing...
*gag* What's sad is that you KNOW some boys have responded to this... and subsequently got herpes, probably from their friend who was "milked" just 30 minutes prior.
OMG! She wouldn't be in the Chicago area would she? Damn, it sure sounds like someone I know, but her son would only be around 13-14 or so.
Sick, sick, sick.
Sounds like the woman back east who had her son light one of her farts and her pubes caught fire as a result. That one got what she deserved.
This one??? We can only hope she catches something worth while. Let's just hope she doesn't pass it around...
This was posted in the Vancouver B.C. craigslist, little to close to me for comfort...
Just from experience writing WWHM and what I've heard, any woman that posted this ad would get about 5,988 responses in the first minute it is up, no matter how ugly she is.
Why would a woman have to advertise for blowjobs? Why doesn't she just walk out her front door, close her eyes, and swing a dead cat. The nearest guy it hits will probably say yes even if shes so ugly it makes your eyes burn.
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