Have you noticed that I haven't been posting in a while? No? Well screw you then! To those of you who don't have the attention span of a meth addicted meerkat, I apologize. Central Headquarters were moved to somewhere that the only electrician within a thousand mile radius has a work schedule that consists of 6 hours a month if the moon of Youvegottobefuckingkiddingme lines up perfectly with the sun of Getoffyourlazyass just right, a septic company that feels the only time they should empty your shitter is when you're ankle deep in last weeks fried chicken dinner and a well pump moodier then Denise Richards during PMS. Even now, if you even breath on the light switch in the living room, you pop the fuse in 3 rooms.
So to make up for my past, and probably near future, lack of activity, I present to you several rubout-worthy photos! Done your super-absorbing Chux Pads and enjoy! God knows I did!!!
I want the last guy! He's the only one who really grabbed my attention. Am I the only one who thinks he looks a bit like Paul Walker in that movie "Into the Blue?"
I hate looking at this supposed "hot" material. Lame. Guys covered in tats, who actually have tats and not some paste on shit are much hotter. And screw the 6 pack shit. Give me real.
Personal preference there anon. I had the guy with the tats everywhere (nine at the time I left, 11 by the time we were divorced) I think I'll take the clean cut guys with something that looks like muscles and leave you the beer swilling tatted fools
No more than eye candy, but worthy of a drool bib. *passes them out*
Public Service Announcement-
Walgreens has these wonderful things called 'Underpads'. They are large, square and waterproof! They can be found in the aisle with the adult diapers. They are for use under patients with incontinence problems, but also work great on the babies changing table. A pack of 40 (store brand) will run you around $8.
Maybe this will make cleanup much quicker, protect our leather chairs and save us dragging out the carpet cleaner with furniture attachments.
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Why Men Hate Women is the love child of Bertha The Butch and Why Women Hate Men. It is also inbred. Do not make any sudden moves. Do not poke it with a stick and do not tease it. It will bite your fucking nipple off. Other then that, we are proving that insane bitchbags really are out there. We will apply a large amount of Vicks VapoRub to our noses and dissect each and every flaw we can find. After that, we'll be sure to post an ad for your learning enjoyment. Most of the highlighting will be what type of man would fall for this whackjobs and how it would play out. If you don't like it...leave! I don't remember sticking a pink fuzzy bear-trap at the entrance.
Submissions of ads and/or commentary are welcome at silkyleather@gmail.com
The horse looks bored to death. lol
Dibs on the guy with the blue eyes
If we're having to dibs, I get the horse, and I guess the guy that goes along with it. lol
I'm a dirty girl and need a bath... I call the wet one!!!! HAHAHAHAHA
Husband said I wasn't allowed to have a horse. He didn't say anything about another man.:)
I want the last guy! He's the only one who really grabbed my attention. Am I the only one who thinks he looks a bit like Paul Walker in that movie "Into the Blue?"
I hate looking at this supposed "hot" material. Lame. Guys covered in tats, who actually have tats and not some paste on shit are much hotter. And screw the 6 pack shit. Give me real.
Whatever, Im bored. Goodbye.
Personal preference there anon. I had the guy with the tats everywhere (nine at the time I left, 11 by the time we were divorced) I think I'll take the clean cut guys with something that looks like muscles and leave you the beer swilling tatted fools
Crud, I was enraptured by those blue eyes too.
No more than eye candy, but worthy of a drool bib. *passes them out*
Public Service Announcement-
Walgreens has these wonderful things called 'Underpads'. They are large, square and waterproof! They can be found in the aisle with the adult diapers. They are for use under patients with incontinence problems, but also work great on the babies changing table. A pack of 40 (store brand) will run you around $8.
Maybe this will make cleanup much quicker, protect our leather chairs and save us dragging out the carpet cleaner with furniture attachments.
In addition to, we lend deduct Viagra apothecary, which is rather effective in dislike than other popular Best Discount Viagra Pharmacy Online Erectile dysfunction Viagra chemist's shop online drugs.
Certainly. I agree with told all above. We can communicate on this theme.
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