Since the last dude went over about as well as the Governor of Chicago's recent bright idea for a retirement plan, here is a new fuckability factor!
Am I forgiven?
As a direct result of the comments this post has gotten, I surrender. Here is your damn hairy man! NOW GET OFF MY ASS! ~snicker~
As the old saying goes, be careful of what you ask for! You just might get it!
Okay, okay, here, stop crying...

Silly as it sounds, I would be happy just lying next to him. Then it wouldn't matter how good he is or isn't at using his equipment.
Is that sad or what?
Gah, sorry to say this but he doesn't do anything for me. Too smooth of a chest - gotta have some hair.
He's pretty, but his armpits appear shaved. EWW.
If he didn't wax and/or shave I'd take him in a ragged fashion ;)
Not really doing much for me, although I always appreciate a nice body on a guy.
well, it looks like the women around here appreciate a little body hair on a guy. I bet you all appreciated
That hairy monster from Weasel's post more that mr smooth chest from yesterday
I think Mr cowboy has just as little body hair, but at least he's got ragged jeans and a hat to make up for it.
Still fuckable
Sorry, but #2 needs a fight with a weed whacker. One he WILL lose.
#2 seems to have boobs. Ok Moobs. Sorta like mine only with hair. His are far more perky and don't sag. They could probably fit into a C cup.
I am jealous...
The minute I scrolled down to #2, my mini schnauzer tried to attack the monitor. I guess all the hair reminded her of the squirrels she likes to chase.
OK in order of drool-worthyness, IMHO:
#3 is definitely drool worthy
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